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2013 Jimalax Stringing Contest

Are you a master stringer? Should your pockets be displayed in The Louvre? Well, here is your chance to prove it!

The 3rd Annual JImalax Stringing Contest is now live!

There are four categories in this year's contest:

- Attack Mesh Pocket
- Traditional Attack Pocket
- Goalie Mesh Pocket
- Traditional Goalie Pocket

Feel free to enter multiple categories, but you are limited to one entry/picture per category. You may take multiple pictures of the same pocket, as I'm sure your pockets will look great from multiple angles, and create a collage, but pictures of multiple pockets will not be permitted. Please email your entries to to enter. Please make sure to include your full name with your entry. Please note that all entries are final, I will not be able to change your entry once submitted.

Entries can be submitted up until 11/30/2013. All entries will be uploaded to our Facebook page at on 12/1/2013, at which time voting will go live. "Likes" will count as votes, and the pockets receiving the most "likes" per category will be declared the winners. Voting will close at midnight Eastern Standard Time on 12/4/2013, and winners will be announced the afternoon of 12/4/2013.

Prizes (per category):
1st Place - $100 Jimalax Gift Certificate
2nd Place - $50 Jimalax Gift Certificate

The entry with the most votes overall across all categories will also receive an additional $50 Gift Certificate Bonus, as well as the prestige and fame that goes along with being declared the Grand Winner.

There are a few rules, the most important of which is that the pocket you submit must be strung by you. Feel free to promote your entry by sharing it with your friends and family, but shenanigans such as creating fake Facebook accounts to vote for your entry will be frowned upon, and will result in your entry being disqualified. Along those lines, cheating/scamming of any sort will result in immediate disqualification of your entry, as cheating goes against the natural way of the JimaBros, and will not be tolerated.

Remember, this contest is meant to be a celebration of the art of stringing!

Good luck!!!

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